2001 HOF Ricky A-Z #27

Ricky Afinowicz

Ricky Afinowicz was inducted into the THPA Hall of Fame in 2001 becoming the 27th Member to be inducted.

Since joining the THPA in 1987 as one of the original members of the Waco Club, Ricky has worked tirelessly on both the local and state level serving as President of the Waco Club 2 years, State 1st Vice President for 4 years, Chairman of the Hall of Fame Committee and President of the THPA for 6 years as well as serving on numerous committee’s for the betterment of horseshoes. He has also been a positive guiding force in helping many clubs obtain a charter. Yet in spite of the impressive honors he has achieved, Ricky will probably be remembered most for his unselfish and continuing work in keeping score, judging, tournament directing, digging courts or assisting at the scorer’s table. He makes the Energizer bunny envious.

As one of most pleasant, congenial and hard working members, Horseshoe pitchers all over the State, we Salute You Ricky – may your tribe increase. Ricky shattered all previous vote counts by racking up on the highest totals ever and he did it the old fashion way-hard work and dedication.

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