2005 HOF Jim Anderson #31

Jim Anderson

Jim Anderson was inducted into the THPA Hall of Fame in 2005 becoming the 31st Member to be inducted.

Jim joined the Central Texas Horseshoe Pitching Association in 1989. It didn’t take him long to get involved. He was the Central Texas Horseshoe Pitching Association Vice President in 1990-1991. He then moved up to the THPA Vice President in charge of Publicity from 1991-1992. He was Treasurer for the THPA from 1994-1999. Jim proudly served as President of the THPA in 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003. He is presently serving as NHPA Regional Director.

As President of the THPA, he gave the vote back to the THPA members on all business of the THPA. He changed the state doubles back to one tournament per year, which is now one of the largest in the state. He also started the club championship tournament at the State Singles Tournament.

Jim has always been willing to answer all questions and complaints from all THPA members. He has always promoted horseshoe pitching in the state of Texas. He always carries THPA membership applications with him wherever he goes and avidly tries to recruit new members. Because of Jim, the THPA has added many new members.     

Congratulations to Jim on this well deserving honor.

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